Leaving For Tiananmen
Sara Effner
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Da alle anderen Möglichkeiten Gerechtigkeit zu suchen versperrt sind, gibt es tausende von Praktizierenden des Falun Gong in China, die nach Peking zum Platz des Himmlischen Friedens(Tiananmen) gereist sind, um dort friedlich zu appelieren.
Written by a Chinese Falun Dafa Practitioner
Vocals by Sara Effner
Guitar by Randall Effner
A young woman in China explains to her beloved mother why she must risk her life to appeal for Falun Dafa. With no other channels to seek justice, thousands of practitioners have traveled to Tiananmen Square just to say, “Falun Dafa is good. Please stop persecuting it.” Whether calling out these words, holding a banner, or silently practicing the exercises on Tiananmen Square, what follows is usually imprisonment, beatings, torture, and sometimes death, simply for upholding one’s belief in Falun Dafa.